Sankciju saraksti
07.03.2025 03:24:46

Prophane Victor


Veids Indivīds
Dzimums Vīrietis
Saraksta nosaukums Apvienotā Karaliste
Programmas (1) Haiti
Sarakstā iekļaušanas datums (1) 01.10.2024
Piebilde Prophane Victor has long been involved in activities that threaten the peace, security, and stability of Haiti, as well as the entire region. In particular, he has been supporting and arming gangs, trafficking weapons, diverting government revenues, and using violence to secure his political and financial gains. Prophane Victor served in the most recent National Assembly (2016-2020) where he was Member of Parliament (deputé) for Petite Riviere, Artibonite department, an area with increasing levels of violence and gang control. To secure his election as deputé in 2016 and his control over the area, Prophane Victor started arming young men in Petite Riviere who went on to form the Gran Grif gang, currently the main perpetrator of human rights abuses, including sexual violence, in the Artibonite department (see S/2023/674, para 75). He is no longer a Member of Parliament and is not serving in any political position. In addition to securing his political foothold through the use of gangs, Victor is a former senior Customs officer and a businessman who has control over parts of the Customs department, allowing him to build wealth and enabling him to engage in a range of criminal activities with impunity. According to reporting from January 2023, Victor threatened customs officers in their work. Victor continued to support Gran Grif gang until 2020 and has since supported rival gangs in that area (see S/2023/674, para 75).

Vārdi/Nosaukumi (1)

Uzvārds/Nosaukums Victor
Pirmais vārds/Nosaukums Prophane
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums Prophane Victor
Veids Vārds
Apraksts Former member of the Haitian Parliament, involved in weapons trafficking and using violence to secure political gain.

Pilsonības (1)

Valsts Haiti Republika

Vēsturiskie dati

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Atjaunots: 07.03.2025. 02:15
Katalogā iekļauti Latvijas, Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas, Eiropas Savienības, Apvienotās Karalistes un Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Valsts kases Ārvalstu aktīvu kontroles biroja (OFAC) un Kanādas sankciju sarakstos iekļautie subjekti.