Sankciju saraksti
19.10.2024 20:48:52

Marina Yuryevna ZAKHAROVA


Veids Indivīds
Dzimums Sieviete
Saraksta nosaukums Apvienotā Karaliste
Programmas (1) Russia
Sarakstā iekļaušanas datums (1) 29.09.2023

Vārdi/Nosaukumi (2)

Uzvārds/Nosaukums ZAKHAROVA
Pirmais vārds/Nosaukums Marina
Otrais vārds/Nosaukums Yuryevna
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums Marina Yuryevna ZAKHAROVA
Veids Vārds
Apraksts Head of the so-called Election Commission of the Kherson Region, in the temporarily-controlled territory in Kherson, Ukraine
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums Марина Юрьевна Захарова
Veids Ne latīņu rakstība
Piebilde Language: Russian

Dzimšanas dati (1)

Dzimšanas datums
Vieta Donetsk
Valsts UA

Pamatojums (1)

Marina Yuryevna ZAKHAROVA is an involved person under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 because she is the head of the Russian-installed ‘Election Commission of the Kherson Region’ in the temporarily-controlled region of Kherson. Therefore, through her role, ZAKHAROVA is and has been involved in undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine, because she is and has been responsible for, engaged in, provided support for, and/or promoted the policies or actions of the ‘Election Commission of the Kherson Region’ which undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine; including its policies and actions in the 2022 referendum and 2023 elections.

Papildu finanšu sankcijas (1)

Veids Lieguma noteikšanas datums
#1 Veids: Trust services 29.09.2023

Vēsturiskie dati

Nav ierakstu
Atjaunots: 19.10.2024. 20:15
Katalogā iekļauti Latvijas, Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas, Eiropas Savienības, Apvienotās Karalistes un Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Valsts kases Ārvalstu aktīvu kontroles biroja (OFAC) sankciju sarakstos iekļautie subjekti.