Sankciju saraksti
24.10.2024 02:10:22

Jose Gregorio Noriega Figueroa


Veids Indivīds
Dzimums Vīrietis
Saraksta nosaukums Apvienotā Karaliste
Programmas (1) Venezuela
Sarakstā iekļaušanas datums (1) 30.06.2020

Vārdi/Nosaukumi (2)

Uzvārds/Nosaukums Noriega Figueroa
Pirmais vārds/Nosaukums Jose
Otrais vārds/Nosaukums Gregorio
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums Jose Gregorio Noriega Figueroa
Veids Vārds
Apraksts Member of the National Assembly
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums José Gregorio NORIEGA FIGUEROA
Veids Ne latīņu rakstība

Pilsonības (1)

Valsts VE

Dzimšanas dati (1)

Dzimšanas datums
Valsts VE

Identifikācijas dokumenti (1)

Veids Individual National ID Number: V-8348784

Pamatojums (3)

Noriega is a National Assembly Deputy (2021-2025) having been re-elected on 6 December 2020 in undemocratic parliamentary elections not recognised as free and fair by the UK. Noriega had previously served as a National Assembly Deputy for the period 2016-2020. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Noriega, a member of the Venezuelan National Assembly, has been involved in the repression of democratic opposition in Venezuela and other actions, policies, or activities which undermine democracy in Venezuela, by coming to power through fraudulent/illegitimate elections and by his involvement with Operation Alacran. There are also reasonable grounds to suspect he is associated with Nicolas Maduro, a person who is involved in the repression of democratic opposition and otherwise undermining democracy in Venezuela through his involvement in Operation Alacran. Lastly, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that Noriega was acting on behalf of, or at the command of a person (Nicolas Maduro) who is involved in repression of political opposition and other policies which undermine democracy in Venezuela by aiding his attacks and attempts to control the National Assembly. In July 2020, Noriega, helped by the Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)), illegitimately took over the leadership of the political party Voluntad Popular, thereby further undermining democracy in Venezuela.
Noriega is a National Assembly Deputy (2021-2025) having been re-elected on 6 December 2020 in undemocratic parliamentary elections not recognised as free and fair by the UK. Noriega had previously served as a National Assembly Deputy for the period 2016-2020. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Noriega, a member of the Venezuelan National Assembly, has been involved in the repression of democratic opposition in Venezuela and other actions, policies, or activities which undermine democracy in Venezuela, by coming to power through fraudulent/illegitimate elections and by his involvement with Operation Alacran. There are also reasonable grounds to suspect he is associated with Nicolas Maduro, a person who is involved in the repression of democratic opposition and otherwise undermining democracy in Venezuela through his involvement in Operation Alacran. Lastly, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that Noriega was acting on behalf of, or at the command of a person (Nicolas Maduro) who is involved in repression of political opposition and other policies which undermine democracy in Venezuela by aiding his attacks and attempts to control the National Assembly. In July 2020, Noriega, helped by the Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice (Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)), illegitimately took over the leadership of the political party Voluntad Popular, thereby further undermining democracy in Venezuela.
There are reasonable grounds to suspect that Noriega, a member of the Venezuelan National Assembly, has been involved in the repression of democratic opposition in Venezuela and other actions, policies, or activities which undermine democracy in Venezuela, by coming to power through fraudulent/illegitimate elections and by his involvement with Operation Alacran.There are also reasonable grounds to suspect he is associated with Nicolas Maduro, a person who is involved in the repression of democratic opposition and otherwise undermining democracy in Venezuela through his involvement in Operation Alacran.Lastly, there are reasonable grounds to suspect that Noriega was acting on behalf of, or at the command of a person (Nicolas Maduro) who is involved in repression of political opposition and other policies which undermine democracy in Venezuela by aiding his attacks and attempts to control the National Assembly.

Vēsturiskie dati

Vārdi/Nosaukumi (3)

Statuss Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 28.02.2022 05:16)
Uzvārds/Nosaukums Noriega Figueroa
Pirmais vārds/Nosaukums Jose
Otrais vārds/Nosaukums Gregorio
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums Member of the National Assembly Noriega Figueroa Jose Gregorio
Veids Galvenais segvārds
Apraksts Member of the National Assembly
Piebilde Member of the National Assembly
Statuss Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 29.01.2022 05:15)
Uzvārds/Nosaukums Noriega Figueroa
Pirmais vārds/Nosaukums Jose
Otrais vārds/Nosaukums Gregorio
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums Noriega Figueroa Jose Gregorio
Veids Galvenais segvārds
Apraksts Member of the National Assembly
Statuss Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 02.08.2022 17:15)
Uzvārds/Nosaukums Noriega Figueroa
Pirmais vārds/Nosaukums Gregorio
Otrais vārds/Nosaukums Jose
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums Gregorio Jose Noriega Figueroa
Veids Vārds
Apraksts Member of the National Assembly
Piebilde Member of the National Assembly

Pilsonības (1)

Statuss Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 28.02.2022 05:16)
Valsts VE

Dzimšanas dati (1)

Statuss Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 28.02.2022 05:16)
Dzimšanas datums
Valsts VE

Identifikācijas dokumenti (1)

Statuss Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 28.02.2022 05:16)
Veids National ID Number: V-8348784
Atjaunots: 24.10.2024. 01:15
Katalogā iekļauti Latvijas, Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas, Eiropas Savienības, Apvienotās Karalistes un Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Valsts kases Ārvalstu aktīvu kontroles biroja (OFAC) sankciju sarakstos iekļautie subjekti.