Sankciju saraksti
01.09.2024 04:19:39

Gennady Valeryevich ZHIDKO


Veids Indivīds
Dzimums Vīrietis
Saraksta nosaukums Apvienotā Karaliste
Programmas (1) Russia
Sarakstā iekļaušanas datums (1) 15.03.2022

Vārdi/Nosaukumi (2)

Uzvārds/Nosaukums ZHIDKO
Pirmais vārds/Nosaukums Gennady
Otrais vārds/Nosaukums Valeryevich
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums Gennady Valeryevich ZHIDKO
Veids Vārds
Apraksts (1) Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation (2) Head of the Main Military and Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums ЖИДКО Геннадий Валерьевич
Veids Ne latīņu rakstība

Pilsonības (1)

Valsts Krievijas Federācija

Adreses (1)

Valsts Krievijas Federācija
Pasta indekss 1

Dzimšanas dati (1)

Dzimšanas datums
Vieta Yangiabad
Valsts Uzbekistānas Republika

Pamatojums (2)

Designated for the purposes of an asset freeze and a travel ban under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. The designation is made as a designation by name under the urgent procedure. The relevant provision by reference to which the Minister considers that condition B is met is the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011 in respect of Australia’s Ukraine sanctions regime. The purposes of this provision correspond or are similar to the purposes of the UK’s Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, which have as their purposes to encourage Russia to cease actions destabilising Ukraine or undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine. The Minister considers that it is in the public interest to designate (condition C).
Colonel General Gennadiy Valeryevich ZHIDKO is a member of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, he currently holds the position of Deputy Minister of Defence and further are Head of the Main Military and Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He is considered to have been either in direct command of and/or otherwise involved in deployment of Russian forces involved in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There are therefore reasonable grounds to suspect that he is a person who is responsible for, engages in, provides support for, or promotes any policy or action which destabilises Ukraine or undermines or threatens the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine.

Papildu finanšu sankcijas (1)

Veids Lieguma noteikšanas datums
#1 Veids: Trust services 21.03.2023

Vēsturiskie dati

Vārdi/Nosaukumi (1)

Statuss Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 26.04.2022 18:16)
Uzvārds/Nosaukums ZHIDKO
Pirmais vārds/Nosaukums Gennady
Otrais vārds/Nosaukums Valeryevich
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums Gennady Valeryevich ZHIDKO
Veids Vārds

Dzimšanas dati (1)

Statuss Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 26.04.2022 18:16)
Dzimšanas datums
Atjaunots: 01.09.2024. 03:15
Katalogā iekļauti Latvijas, Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas, Eiropas Savienības, Apvienotās Karalistes un Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Valsts kases Ārvalstu aktīvu kontroles biroja (OFAC) sankciju sarakstos iekļautie subjekti.