'Joint-Stock Company 'Sparkling Wine Plant Novy Svet'
Veids | Organizācija |
Saraksta nosaukums | Apvienotā Karaliste |
Programmas (1) | Russia |
Sarakstā iekļaušanas datums (1) | 25.07.2014 |
Vārdi/Nosaukumi (4)
Uzvārds/Nosaukums | 'Joint-Stock Company 'Sparkling Wine Plant Novy Svet' |
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums | 'Joint-Stock Company 'Sparkling Wine Plant Novy Svet' |
Veids | Vārds |
Uzvārds/Nosaukums | State Unitary Enterprise of the 'Republic of Crimea' 'Sparkling Wine Plant Novy Svet' |
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums | State Unitary Enterprise of the 'Republic of Crimea' 'Sparkling Wine Plant Novy Svet' |
Veids | AKA (zināms arī kā) |
Uzvārds/Nosaukums | State Enterprise 'Sparkling Wine Plant 'Novy Svet' |
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums | State Enterprise 'Sparkling Wine Plant 'Novy Svet' |
Veids | AKA (zināms arī kā) |
Uzvārds/Nosaukums | Gosudarstvennoye unitarnoye predpriyatiye Respubliki Krym 'Zavod shampanskykh vin 'Novy Svet' |
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums | Gosudarstvennoye unitarnoye predpriyatiye Respubliki Krym 'Zavod shampanskykh vin 'Novy Svet' |
Veids | AKA (zināms arī kā) |
Adreses (1)
Valsts | Ukraina |
Pasta indekss | 2 |
Pamatojums (2)
The ownership of the entity was transferred contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 9 April 2014, the ‘Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea’ adopted a decision No 1991-6/14 ‘On the amendments to the Resolution of the State Council of the “Republic of Crimea” of 26 March 2014 No 1836-6/14 ‘On nationalization of the property of enterprises, institutions and organizations of agro-industrial complex, located in the territory of the “Republic of Crimea” declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to the state enterprise “Zavod shampanskykh vin Novy Svet”’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’. Re-registered on 4.1.2015 as State Unitary Enterprise of the ‘Republic of Crimea’ ‘sparkling wine plant “Novy Svet”’. Founder: The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea. Re-registered following reorganization on 29.8.2018 as Joint-stock company Sparkling wine plant ‘Novy Svet’. Founder: the Ministry of Land and Property Regulations of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The action of transferring ownership, contrary to Ukrainian law, undermines or threatens the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. |
The ownership of the entity was transferred contrary to the Ukrainian law. On 9 April 2014, the ‘Presidium of the Parliament of Crimea’ adopted a decision No 1991-6/14 ‘On the amendments to the Resolution of the State Council of the “Republic of Crimea” of 26 March 2014 No 1836-6/14 ‘On nationalization of the property of enterprises, institutions and organizations of agro-industrial complex, located in the territory of the “Republic of Crimea” declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to the state enterprise “Zavod shampanskykh vin Novy Svet”’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’. Re-registered on 4.1.2015 as State Unitary Enterprise of the ‘Republic of Crimea’ ‘sparkling wine plant “Novy Svet”’. Founder: The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea.Re-registered following reorganization on 29.8.2018 as Joint-stock company Sparkling wine plant ‘Novy Svet’.Founder: the Ministry of Land and Property Regulations of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The action of transferring ownership, contrary to Ukrainian law, undermines or threatens the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. |
Papildu finanšu sankcijas (1)
Veids | Lieguma noteikšanas datums |
Trust services | 21.03.2023 |
Vēsturiskie dati
Vārdi/Nosaukumi (3)
Statuss | Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Uzvārds/Nosaukums | Joint-Stock Company 'Sparkling Wine Plant Novy Svet' |
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums | Joint-Stock Company 'Sparkling Wine Plant Novy Svet' |
Veids | Galvenais segvārds |
Statuss | Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Uzvārds/Nosaukums | Gosudarstvennoye Unitarnoye Predpriyatiye Respubliki Krym 'Zavod Shampanskykh Vin 'Novy Svet' |
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums | Gosudarstvennoye Unitarnoye Predpriyatiye Respubliki Krym 'Zavod Shampanskykh Vin 'Novy Svet' |
Veids | AKA (zināms arī kā) |
Statuss | Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Uzvārds/Nosaukums | State Enterprise 'Sparkling Wine Plant 'Novy Svet' I State Unitary Enterprise of the 'Republic of Crimea' 'Sparkling Wine Plant Novy Svet' |
Pilns vārds/Nosaukums | State Enterprise 'Sparkling Wine Plant 'Novy Svet' I State Unitary Enterprise of the 'Republic of Crimea' 'Sparkling Wine Plant Novy Svet' |
Veids | AKA (zināms arī kā) |
Adreses (1)
Statuss | Vēsturisks (pēdējo reizi aktīvs 28.02.2022 05:16) |
Pasta indekss | 2 |
Pilna adrese | Str.Shalapina 1 Novy Svet Sudak Crimea 298032 |
Atjaunots: 14.03.2025. 22:16
Katalogā iekļauti Latvijas, Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas, Eiropas Savienības, Apvienotās Karalistes un Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Valsts kases Ārvalstu aktīvu kontroles biroja (OFAC) un Kanādas sankciju sarakstos iekļautie subjekti.